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Pupil Personnel Services & Special Education

Asst. Superintendent for Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services
Dr. Kristi Keingstein
Phone: 631-867- 3100/05


Irene DeNiscoDirector of Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services, District McKinney-Vento Liaison and Foster Care Contact
Irene DeNisco
Phone: 631-867-3100/05



The Department of Pupil Personnel Services promotes a multi-tiered system of supports as well as the provision of special education and related services for children with disabilities as recommended through the Committee on Special Education (CSE), Section 504 Committee, or Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE).


Special Education

Children (ages 3-21) with special learning needs are entitled to a free and appropriate public education. Parents/legal guardians who believe their child is a student with a disability should contact the Special Education office at 867-3100.

Special Education encompasses a comprehensive array of services, instructional methodologies, materials, and equipment to provide students with disabilities educational support. The goal of special education is to promote the maximum achievement of students with disabilities. The district seeks to accomplish this by adhering to the following:

  • Identifying students with disabilities as early as possible and providing instruction that will address their unique needs.
  • Providing programs designed to facilitate maximum contact between the students with disabilities and students in the general education population.
  • Guaranteeing due process procedures with regard to identification, evaluation and placement procedures.
  • Assuring that special education is provided in the “least restrictive environment.”
  • Guaranteeing the confidentiality of data and information.
  • Assuring students with disabilities complete access to all educational programs provided by the school district, including extracurricular programs and activities.
  • Providing the availability of appropriate classroom space.


After reviewing a variety of assessment information, the need for special education services is determined by the Committee on Special Education (CSE) for school-age students and by the Committee on Pre-School Special Education (CPSE) for pre-school age students. If the student is found eligible for special education services, an Individualized Educational Program (IEP) is developed to address the student’s individual educational needs.

An IEP is developed by a multi-disciplinary team consisting, at the minimum, of the child’s teacher, school psychologist, special education teacher, and parent. The IEP identifies the special education program and, if necessary, the related services that the child would receive. In addition, the IEP includes specific learning goals and objectives that are designed to address the student’s learning needs. Furthermore, program/curriculum adjustments and testing accommodations are included as necessary.

The Lindenhurst School District offers the full continuum of special education services. For further details, please consult the school psychologist in the school building that your child attends.

For more information on the Committee for Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services contact: Bret Kearney, Assistant to the Superintendent for Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services.

For student-related questions, please contact the appropriate chair/coordinator.



The Lindenhurst Special Education Parent Teachers Association (SEPTA) is dedicated to the needs and potential of special education students. SEPTA provides information, advice and encouragement to parents going through the special education process with their child. SEPTA meetings are held throughout the school year. For more information, call the Special Education office at 867-3100 and ask for the current President’s phone number.

For more information on the Committee for Pre-School Special Education contact: Ms. Lauren DiBernardo, CPSE Chairperson