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Instructional Technology

Jennifer Freedman

Director of Instructional Technology & Innovation
District Privacy Officer
Jennifer L. Freedman
Phone: (631) 867-3080


Secretary of Instructional Technology
Fran Lettus
Phone: (631) 867-3080


District Educational Technology

Vision Statement

The educational technology vision of the Lindenhurst Union Free School District is to establish a safe, academic and social environment in which students of all abilities, as well as district faculty and staff, have  opportunities that allow them to expand learning and strengthen their skills in critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity using modern technology. All users of technology within the district will develop the necessary balance, the responsible behavior and cultural awareness, as well as, the social and emotional competencies needed to navigate the complexities of the online environment as digital and global citizens of the 21st century.

Should you have any questions regarding student data privacy and security, please contact the department.